This troubling lack of compassion - along with the show's endless parade of graphic images - makes it a poor choice for young kids and very iffy even for teens. Although the names of the deceased are changed to protect their privacy, the choice to make their final moments a source of entertainment reflects a disturbing lack of sensitivity. But its real focus is on exploiting the unorthodox ways that people have died over the years. Episode 1: Life Will Kill You Semi-cide Constriction Accident Fang Banged Lesbocution Love Bugged Tumble Die Episode 2: Hard Lives, Easy Deaths Freeze Died Dive Bombed De-Coffinated Wet Dream Fur. The show offers limited scientific information about how the body can fatally react to certain things. And, of course, it's all accompanied by disturbing images - both real and reenacted - of gruesome injuries and people in the moments just before their death.

Each tale is accompanied by graphic novel-type images and tongue-in-cheek titles (for example, the story of a man who froze in a meat locker is titled "Freeze Died") to add humor, and some of the commentary offers ironic speculations about what people were thinking and/or the lessons they learned while they lay dying. This morbid, campy series presents each death story in a way that's intended to be both voyeuristic and amusing.