
Life and times of juniper lee
Life and times of juniper lee

life and times of juniper lee life and times of juniper lee

She was defeated and also banished at the same time. Many years ago, there once was an evil witch named Auntie Roon who battled the Te Xuan Ze of that time. Note: This episode was dedicated to David Lehner, who passed away in 2005. But she must put her efforts on hold when everyone in the city falls asleep and they become victims of a plot by the Sandman, lord of the sleep realm. June tries out for the school talent show.

life and times of juniper lee

June and Ray-Ray baby-sit a migrating Batoot. June battles Loki, the god of pranks and lies. The spirits of Nordic Vikings take possession of June's friends and it's up to her, Monroe, and RayRay to get them back to normal. June has to stop a mummy who opened up his own restaurant. "I've Got My Mind on My Mummy and My Mummy on My Mind" Despite begging Ah-Mah to help out, June is forced to skip the party and save Orchid Bay City again. June gets called away because the Leprechauns have let loose the Racatan. And now, one of her best friends, Jody, is having a birthday party. She's managed to flake out on her friends on a regular basis and, has managed to acquire a reputation for being weird. June has been doing her Te Xuan Ze business for just over a month, and it's become a real hassle for her. "It's Your Party and I'll Whine if I Want To" Episodes Season 1 (2005) The Life and Times of Juniper Lee season 1 episodes

Life and times of juniper lee